10 years Hospitality medal

The Diocesan Hospitality has introduced a 10 years service medal to recognise the valuable contribution of those members who have served more than 9 previous pilgrimages. The Application form can be downloaded here and is also available from the Hospitality section of this website. 

Also included is a standing order form for all members' annual subscription.

Medical team

We are always pleased to hear from any doctors or nurses who would like to join the pilgrimage medical team. For more information please contact Canon Christopher Matthews, Pilgrimage Director, at [email protected]  or Angela Delaney, Chief Nurse at [email protected] .

Lourdes - A Campaign for the 21st Century

The Rector of the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes, Mons. Olivier Ribadeau Dumas, has issued a document detailing plans to prepare Lourdes for the next century. His message can be read here.

Protecting your Privacy

We comply with data protection and marketing legislation.  We do not transfer your data to third parties to use for their own marketing or fundraising purposes.  The personal information you provide about yourself on our Lourdes Pilgrimage forms and via other means as requested, has been collected for legal and legitimate reasons, to help us arrange your visit to Lourdes.  The personal information about you will be stored securely and will be retained for no longer than is necessary, after which time it will be securely destroyed. You can read our full Privacy Notice at http://www.dioceseofshrewsbury.org/about-us/privacy-notice.
                                The Diocese of Shrewsbury is a registered charity with charity number 234025

Get In Touch

Diocesan Pilgrimage Office,
Curial Offices,
2 Park Road South,
Prenton, Wirral CH43 4UX

Bookings & Enquiries:

07773 324 264

Medical Enquiries:

07970 943 940