Medical Staff

Many of our pilgrims who have particular medical and/or nursing needs stay in the Accueil Notre Dame. This is neither a hotel nor a hospital, but a modern building within the Domaine which has been designed to cater for the day to day needs of such pilgrims. Family members and carers are welcome to stay there with them. Should more complex, acute, unexpected needs arise which cannot be met within the Accueil, we would refer to the local hospital.

Care of those pilgrims staying in the Accueil is provided by our team of volunteer nurses, carers and doctors. Each year around 30 professional clinical staff volunteer to travel with the pilgrimage to look after those with long-term conditions or disabilities during their stay.

Throughout the year planning meetings are held to ensure the needs of pilgrims will be met. The medical team often visit sick pilgrims in their homes to assess their individual requirements and to make sure that their stay in Lourdes will be comfortable and trouble-free.

If you are a healthcare professional and would like to join the dedicated team of doctors and nurses who care for our sick pilgrims please contact the Chief Nurse, Mrs Angela Delaney on the Medical Office phone 07970 943940 or by e-mail [email protected] .

If phoning please bear in mind that most of the medical team work full time in the healthcare profession so if you are asked to leave a message on the answerphone be assured that your call will be returned at the earliest opportunity.


Get In Touch

Diocesan Pilgrimage Office,
Curial Offices,
2 Park Road South,
Prenton, Wirral CH43 4UX

Bookings & Enquiries:

07773 324 264

Medical Enquiries:

07970 943 940