The Committee recognises its responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act and associated regulations, for ensuring so far as it is reasonably practicable the health, safety and welfare of all those travelling with us on pilgrimage.
The Committee attaches the greatest importance to health and safety, considering this to be a management responsibility ranking equally with other management functions within the organisation.
It is our policy to take all reasonably practicable precautions for the prevention of accidents and dangerous occurrences and for the creation of an environment that safeguards all pilgrims. To this end the pilgrimage will allocate the necessary resources and enlist the active support of all pilgrims, upon whom duties are also imposed by the Health and Safety legislation.
The Committee regards the standards set by the various relevant statutory provisions as the minimum standard which must be achieved, will endeavour to improve upon these standards where reasonably practicable and are presently in the process of reviewing our Health and Safety Policy.
The objectives of the above policy are:
To promote high standards of health, safety and welfare within the Pilgrimage and to ensure compliance with all relevant statutory provisions.
To create and maintain a safe and healthy pilgrimage for all pilgrims and to ensure that the health and safety of persons other than our pilgrims are not adversely affected by our pilgrimage activities.
To ensure suitable and sufficient risk assessments have been undertaken, which are reviewed annually.
To ensure that all volunteers are provided with adequate instruction, training and supervision to perform their tasks in a safe way.
To promote safety awareness and develop a responsible attitude in all pilgrims.
Policy to be reviewed and updated annually.